University of Bradford
A public research university located in the city of Bradford, West Yorkshire, England. It was established in 1966, making it the UK's fortieth university. With a student population of almost 10,000, the university is a diverse and welcoming place to learn, bringing together students from 150 nations. Bradford also has a prestigious Business School which is one of the oldest in the UK and is a world leader in business and management education, research, and knowledge transfer. In 2018, the university was also awarded the title of the first British University of Sanctuary, further building upon its culture of welcome and inclusion which began in 1973 with the creation of the first British University Peace Studies department.
Bradford has always been a forward-thinking, modern, and student-orientated University with a thriving and vibrant student community. We have a firm commitment to confronting inequality and celebrating diversity.
Our mission of 'Making Knowledge Work means our student's future is our top priority. With our excellent facilities and staff, you can be sure that Bradford is a first-class choice for your chosen area of study.